Massage Bundles
A more affordable way to commit to working on a treatment goal. Regular massage not only elevates your sense of wellbeing while decreasing the rigors of everyday life, it truly is about taking total care of your
Mind, Body and Soul
60 Minute Bundle
Regular Session $85
3 Sessions $242.25
5 Sessions $391.00
75 Minute Bundle
Regular Session $100
3 Sessions $285.00
5 Sessions $460.00
90 Minute Bundle
Regular Session $120
3 Sessions $342.00
5 Sessions $552.00
Terms & Conditions
You can either call or email to set up purchasing a bundle ahead of time or you can purchase at the time of your first appointment, unfortunately at this time our booking site cannot receive online bundle payments. Bundles must be paid for in it's entirety at the time of the first session. Receipts will be emailed at the end of every session and can be submitted for reimbursement from insurance. Bundle rates will be honored for up to 1 year after a rate change has taken effect. In the event all sessions are not used in this time frame, payment of the difference of the new bundle price vs the old bundle price will be required.